Scale AI supports access to capital with its network of partners.

What is your fundraising goal and what stage of your funding are you at (pre-seed, seed, series A)? How long and at what valuation? Provide an overview of your financial situation (income, projection, profitability, etc.). The accuracy of your answers will allow us to put you in contact with the appropriate resources in our network.

Scale AI supports the growth of your AI capabilities and access to talent.

Are you looking for talent, tools or infrastructure? Please provide as much detail as possible about your needs, goals and reality. For example, are you open to working with students, interns, experts, consultants or external AI service providers? The accuracy of your answers will allow us to put you in contact with the appropriate resources in our network.

Scale AI supports pilot projects and provides funding for AI projects.

Who is your potential customer (name, location, size, industry)? What are the impacts of your solution? What is the scope of the project (budget, schedule, etc.)? Outline the problem to be solved with the customer. The accuracy of your answers will allow us to put you in contact with the appropriate resources in our network.